Thursday, March 27, 2014

Common Running Injuries

                          Common Running Injuries

Many common running injuries occur because of a lack of stretching, over-training, lack of proper shoes, and many other actions prompt injury. According to web the most common running injuries include:
Running injuries usually happen when you push yourself too hard. The way your body moves  also play a role.
You can prevent many of them. Here's how.
1. Runner's knee. This is a common overuse injury. Runner's knee has several different causes. It often happens when your kneecap is out of alignment.
Over time, the cartilage on your kneecap can wear down. When that happens, you may feel pain around the kneecap, particularly when:
  • going up or down stairs
  • squatting
  • sitting with the knee bent for a long time
2. Stress fracture. This is a small crack in a bone that causes pain and discomfort. It typically affects runners in the shin and feet. It's often due to working too hard before your body gets used to a new activity.
Pain gets worse with activity and improves with rest. Rest is important, as continued stress on the bone can lead to more serious injury.
3. Shin splint. This is pain that happens in the front or inside of the lower leg along the shin bone (tibia). Shin splints are common after changing your workout, such as running longer distances or increasing the number of days you run, too quickly.
People with flat feet are more likely to develop shin splints.
Treatment includes:
  • rest
  • stretching exercises
  • slow return to activity after several weeks of healing
4. Achilles tendinitis. This is inflammation of the Achilles tendon. That's the large tendon that attaches the calf to the back of the heel.
Achilles tendinitis causes pain and stiffness in the area of the tendon, especially in the morning and with activity. It is usually caused by repetitive stress to the tendon. Adding too much distance to  your running routine can cause it. Tight calf muscles can also contribute.
Treatment includes:
  • rest
  • icing the area
  • calf stretches
5. Muscle pull. This is a small tear in your muscle, also called a muscle strain. It's often caused by overstretching a muscle. If you pull a muscle, you may feel a popping sensation when the muscle tears.
Treatment includes RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
Muscle pull commonly affects these muscles:
  • hamstrings
  • quadriceps
  • calf
  • groin
6. Ankle sprain. This is the accidental stretching or tearing of ligaments surrounding the ankle. It often happens when the foot twists or rolls inward. 
Sprains typically get better with rest, ice, compression, and elevating the foot.
7. Plantar fasciitis. An inflammation of the plantar fascia. That's the thick band of tissue in the bottom of the foot that extends from the heel to the toes.
People with tight calf muscles and a high arch are more prone to plantar fasciitis. Although it may be linked to adding activity, plantar fasciitis can also happen without any obvious reason.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hip Bursistis

                                           Hip Bursitis

Hip Bursitis is a condition in which the bursae( A fluid filled sack within the hip) is exposed to any sort of trauma which can prompt inflammation and pain. Hip Bursitis primarily affects athletes and individuals with degenerative conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, gout and several other conditions. Hip Bursitis is also evident among athletes specially those who participate in endurance sports such as running. Common symptoms associated with hip bursitis include: Tenderness around the bursae, loss of motion within the hip, and pain. Hip bursitis is commonly caused by inflammation, but within some cases septic bursitis has occurred. Septic bursitis is a bacterial infection which affects the bursae. Common treatments include: Anti-inflammatory medication, icing the area, and restraint from physical exertion.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Inspirational Student Success Statement

          Student Success Statement
“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity, integrity, and self-esteem.”-Dr. Laura Schlessinger

What an insightful statement which allows me to perceive life through a renewed perspective. The essential message inscribed within this quote is the benefits associated with proper actions. The benefits include as presented by the quote: self-respect, dignity, integrity, and self-esteem. These phenomena can greatly affect your life. Self-respect prompts a feeling of self-worth and pride, dignity prompts respect among your peers toward you, integrity allows you to be respected by the community, and self-esteem motivates you to pursue your desired endeavors. These are all crucial characteristics, and they can only be obtained through proper actions. When I commit a proper action I can feel that I have done something meaningful and productive, therefore I am benefited by the acquisition of self-respect, dignity, integrity, and self-esteem. These aspects allow prosperity to occur.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Importance Associated With Persistence

  Student Success Statement
“Nothing in the world can take the place of PERSISTENCE.
TALENT: will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
GENIUS: will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
EDUCATION: will not; the world is full of uneducated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”- President Calvin Coolidge
What an insightful statement which allows us to understand the meaning of success. Every individual believes if you are not talented you cannot succeed, well what if you are unsuccessful and talented; talent does not assure anything, if you are talented and single-minded you will over-estimate your abilities, this over confidence will result in your failure. You failed because of your lack of persistence and determination. We must not view failure as bondage; we must view it as an opportunity which will allow us to learn from our mistakes. I once believed that if you know a vast amount of facts and can memorize entire pages you will be deemed a genius, this is a clear misconception. In order to succeed you must memorize such concepts, but you must also be able to apply what you have learned or memorized, if you are not able to do such things; then you clearly do not understand. A student who is determined to understand the concept, will memorize and learn to apply the concept, this persistence will provide him with success.