1.)Personal goal
2.) Begin running again
3.)Pass another semester with perfect grades
4.)Run my mile in less that 6 minutes
5.)Complete my AP World History notes quickly
6.)Pass my AP World History Exam
7.)Pass my AP Spanish Exam
8.)Join the cross-country team again
9.)Pass all of my classes during the 11th grade (perfect grades)
10.) Pass all of my classes with perfect grades during my senior year
11.) Visit another country
12.) Go camping
13.) Participate within a triathlon
14.) Skydive
15.) Gain the millennium gates scholarship
16.) Be accepted into Stanford or any other university of my choosing
17.) Major in medicine, science areas, or mathematics
18.) Earn a P.H.d
19.) Be accepted into a medical school
20.) Complete my specialization( If i decide to pursue the medical field)
21.) Specialize within a medical field
22.) Pass all of my university Classes
23.)Save one thousand dollars
24.) Save five thousand dollars
25.) Save ten thousand dollars
26.) save fifty-thousand dollars
27.) Save one hundred thousand dollars
28.) Learn to play the violin
29.) Learn to play the piano
30.) Learn to play the cello
31.) Own a horse
32.) Apply for a job during university
33.) Name my horse "Clip-Clop"
34.) Find a job about a month after i graduate from university
35.) Buy a home
36.) Hold a proper credit score
37.) Provide a proper income
38.) Invent a useful item
39.) Climb a mountain
40.) Visit a Farm
41.) Learn several other languages
42.) Learn to scuba dive
43.) Visit a luxurious hotel
44.) Learn to work with circuits
45.) Meet important physicists
46.) Research my religion
47.) Own a dog
48.) Bond with a wild animal
49.) Derive a mathematical theorem
50.) Expand my knowledge
51.) Research the field of philosophy
52.) Write a book
53.) Write my own autobiography
54.) Visit Tibet
55.) Visit China
56.) Run a marathon
57.) Participate in a long-distance running event
58.) Personal goal
59.) Run at least 30 miles without stopping
60.) Join a team other than cross country
61.) Play tennis
62.)Connect with the natural world
63.) Watch an enlightening film
64.) Construct a tree house
65.) Visit a particle accelerator
66.) Utilize an electron microscope
67.) Personal goal
68.) Plant my own garden
69.) Establish my own medical center
70.) Own a hawk
71.) Visit France
72.) Swim with dolphins
73.) Embark on a fishing expedition
74.) Visit Antarctica
75.) Donate one thousand dollars or more to charity
76.) Participate in a community service project
77.) Attend a Theater production
78.) Learn to drive
79.) Own a rabbit
80.) Visit Historical Monuments
81.) Participate in a political debate
82.) Purchase a sea-side home
83.) Invest in a promising company
84.) Embark on a safari
85.)Train for  Triathlon
86.) Visit Greece
87.) Save Five hundred thousand dollars
88.) Visit a luxurious resort
89.) Visit a christian monastery
90.) Visit my family frequently
91.) Travel to space
92.) Personal goal
93.) Sail in a cruise
94.) Buy a fuel efficient automobile
95.) Visit Sweden
96.) Conduct a biopsy
97.) Be the best in everything i do
98.) Practice gymnastics
99.) Personal goal
100.) Always succeed

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